In our information visualization project we were interested in the side effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and if there might also be positive effects such as lower CO2 emissions. To visualize whether COVID-19 led to a change in CO2 emissions, we implemented an emissions dashboard website. The first part of our website consists of a map visualization showing the change of CO2 emissions per country compared to the year prior to the pandemic (2019). We implemented a slider to enable users to navigate between days and see how the emissions changed throughout the year.

The second part of our dashboard is a graph visualization which shows hard lockdown phases and gives a more detailed overview of how CO2 emissions changed throughout the year. We included three countries that can be selected to show them next to each other for deeper comparisons. The graphs are interactive and can be scrolled in as well as provide detailled CO2 values on hover.


Information visualization group project. I was responsible for data preparation and implementation of the map visualization including slider and interactions. I also contributed to the single country graphs implementation as well as concept development.


HTML • CSS • React • D3


November 2020 - January 2021